Analytics & Other Apps

Holy cow, are there a ton of products out there for analytical research? I am a little overwhelmed but I also figure for a small business many of these more complex apps are probably a bit of an overkill. (for now) I'm getting excited about actually launching the campaign. I still have a few little odds and ends that I need to edit up but overall I'm feeling pretty confident. I mean, I'm not confident I'm going to make bank, but I am confident that I have a fun product!

I was thinking that these all would probably work really well as coffee/hot chocolate mugs. It is so easy to put artwork on other products - so it is worth a thought. 
I've decided to skip summer term (I had planned on taking some courses) and instead use that extra (lol, extra.. as if that is a thing) time to focus on building up this site more fully. I still have loads of ideas for phrases and whatnot so why not? 

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