MKT 353

Link building

Well, this may not be much about link building currently. I have, however, considered how I can use sites that I’ve worked at and add my link within them to...

Link building

Well, this may not be much about link building currently. I have, however, considered how I can use sites that I’ve worked at and add my link within them to...

Social Media for SEO Responses

It is time to get my facebook on! Well, among other platforms. I already have facebook set up so that makes it slightly easier. I also need to hook up...

Social Media for SEO Responses

It is time to get my facebook on! Well, among other platforms. I already have facebook set up so that makes it slightly easier. I also need to hook up...

SEO & Other 3 Letter Metrics

CTR (not choose the right anymore) ROI, SEO, KPI, etc. There are so many little three-letter things to recall this semester.  SEO is definitely an important one amongst the fray....

SEO & Other 3 Letter Metrics

CTR (not choose the right anymore) ROI, SEO, KPI, etc. There are so many little three-letter things to recall this semester.  SEO is definitely an important one amongst the fray....


I chickened out on the $10 budget and went with $5 a day. I think all in all it is going to be okay. I decided to broaden my reach...


I chickened out on the $10 budget and went with $5 a day. I think all in all it is going to be okay. I decided to broaden my reach...

Analytics & Other Apps

Holy cow, are there a ton of products out there for analytical research? I am a little overwhelmed but I also figure for a small business many of these more...

Analytics & Other Apps

Holy cow, are there a ton of products out there for analytical research? I am a little overwhelmed but I also figure for a small business many of these more...

MKT 353 - Moving Ahead

This week I am planning on carving out more time to really focus on tidying up my listings and site in general. I am taking the advice to get my...

MKT 353 - Moving Ahead

This week I am planning on carving out more time to really focus on tidying up my listings and site in general. I am taking the advice to get my...