Social Media for SEO Responses

It is time to get my facebook on! Well, among other platforms. I already have facebook set up so that makes it slightly easier. I also need to hook up Instagram, Pinterest & TikTok. I'm not biting off more than I can chew and right now I feel like facebook is the way to go as I have the most traction there.

I'm having fun thinking about the social media SEO and also engagement. I love memes and I think I can use them to pull some keywords and also make people smile. With that said, am I missing an opportunity here? Should I make meme tshirts? It could be hilarious! I also am working on a "Think Celestial" shirt that sues the Celestial Seasonings old logo and says "Celestial Thinking" but I'm not sure if I should make it like a tea box or just the logo itself? 

So, lots of ideas, lots of work, lots of school lots of finals *wipes forehead* And we are traveling back home early next week so everything is being pushed into consolidated moments to make sure everyone gets their fair share. 

I go this.. and if I don't at least Jesus has got me. Or.... maybe that image with the "that long line is where I dragged you" sort of thing.

Rediscovering the Journey: The Strength of Jesus

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