SEO & Other 3 Letter Metrics

CTR (not choose the right anymore) ROI, SEO, KPI, etc.

There are so many little three-letter things to recall this semester.  SEO is definitely an important one amongst the fray. It would seem like my site is perhaps languishing in the SEO department - that and I'm not quite hitting my target market with the shirts - even though I shared on facebook, and had several likes and several shares that way (personal) without a single purchase.  Is my price too high? Is the design just not appealing? Perhaps the concept is good but the design needs to just be "more" and less simple. I am going to keep beefing up my metrics and also in the background start toying with new designs for the quotes & scriptures.  

Anyway, that is where I am right now for this week.  I'm not giving up. I'm determined to hit at least a target.  If not, I brush myself off and try again with a new idea!

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