Google Ads & Keywords

Oh goodness. Ok, so ad words. I think it is quite a bit of fun and also a bit of a learning curve to get everything ready for my first campaign. I spent quite a bit of time working on product mockups for the ads that didn't look too corny. Overall, I am pretty happy with what I have. I still need to add a bit to my campaign and include some other phrases and exclude others. I'm getting there.

One thing that is getting me a bit down is just not meeting deadlines. I pride myself on being prompt and with 3 deadlines for the class I keep dropping the ball. It is time for me to start adding more alerts on my phone so I don't keep messing that up! 

In one of my side hustles I have found myself curious as to how much it costs to un a multi-vendor store selling digital goods.  We are talking about digital goods with large downloads. I personally assumed that something like AWS might be more beneficial, if not something like Shopify for multi vendor stores. The owner has always said the store wasn't really profitable for them - more like fun money. But with 20% commission and sales exceeding 1 million a year I would hope that the operating costs and fees weren't eating the entire profit from them. 

I'm imagining at least 1-2k per month for space/bandwidth etc. 

Anyway, my questions out into the universe for the week.

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