Web Business Creation

I should say that the amount of time I spent in Google playing around with keywords for funsies should be shameful. I have quite a few ideas for what I want to sell.  Should I go the safe route or the "oh my gosh, this is hilarious and I would buy it so other people should too" route? Obviously, the second option is way more fun, right? Let's hope I do my SEO super poorly so this blog won't really pop up in too many searches as it isn't really what I want on my business page itself. I did have some sales with my local t-shirt idea but didn't have the time or energy to really focus on it.

This other idea though.. I have the energy just from the excitement of it. Originally the idea stemmed from wanting to create a series of vinyl stickers with similar sentiments. I am being vague, but I am holding my idea close to my heart. Of course, I'll share with you, mighty professor, but only via inbox! I've been keeping a little notepad (on my screen) as soon as I have a new idea for my t-shirt idea.  The market is so saturated with shirts, though. However, the niche market I am looking at isn't quite as competitive as the market overall - and with the right marketing strategy, I think I could make a little spot for myself.

How I imagine you... HA!

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